
Herb Club 2025
Join us for this community-led series where we explore the world of herbs and share with one another what we have learned from them. On the second Thursday of each month from May to September, we meet at a different participant’s home from 6 to 8 pm. Each gathering starts with an informal tour of the grounds; then we enjoy each other’s company while sharing some herbal food and listening to a few presentations from club members about herbs of their choice. Each person should plan on being a presenter, which means you choose an herb and talk about it for 10-15 minutes. The registration cost for this event covers all five gatherings.

Resilient Roots in the CC Hydrangea Fest
Resilient Roots is joining the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival this July, and we're looking for local gardens to showcase. Do you have an outdoor space you'd like to share with fellow garden enthusiasts? In this Cape-wide event, private gardens are open to the public for a $5 fee, with all proceeds donated to local nonprofits.
Resilient Roots would provide a couple of people to help you collect the entry fee on-site and to help with coordination, and you'd open your garden gates for visitors to self-tour. The festival runs from July 11-20, and garden hosts choose which days they'd like to be open.
You absolutely don't need hydrangeas in your garden to participate. The Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, which sponsors the event, would like to include all kinds of gardens, with features such as any of these:
Edible landscaping
Native plants
Water views or a beautiful sense of place
Especially tiny or especially large gardens
Lots of unusual plants or collections of specific plant types
Creative garden ornaments or art
Farm animals
Pollinator plants
Unusual architecture, charming outbuildings, or outdoor "rooms"
Many flowers that bloom in July
If you're interested in participating, email Sharon at sprout@resroots.org.
And stay tuned to this site for our schedule of gardens to visit, which will be available later this spring.

Second Summer Cycle 2025: Cape Cod Charity Ride
Second Summer Cycle is a September 14 charity bike ride through eight Cape towns that benefits 20 local nonprofit organizations, including Resilient Roots. Riders choose a route of either 15, 34, 60, or 101 miles, raising money for the nonprofit of their choice.
You can join us in this fantastic event in three ways: ride for our team, donate to our team or to individual team members, or volunteer as to work the day of the ride. What better way to spend a fall day than on a picturesque ride with friends to support our environmental education efforts!
Ride for Our Team
Biking enthusiasts are encouraged to register now, as the number of riders will be capped and registration fees are discounted through March. Our team will be starting training rides you can join, and all abilities are welcome; e-bikes are allowed.
Each team is expected to raise $5,000, and money raised by our riders will go directly to Resilient Roots. Each rider is asked to raise at least $250 in pledges.
All riders start and end at Smugglers Beach in South Yarmouth, following non-repeating loops with staggered starting times beginning at 7 am. The longer rides circle up to Eastham. Riders choose one of four routes, aimed at accommodating different abilities:
A finish-line celebration will be held at the beach from 12-5, featuring live music, Barnstable Brewing beer, and multiple food trucks. Each rider will be given $30 in tickets to use at the food trucks as part of their entry fee. Riders also get a bike shirt.
The event registration fee varies by ride length. When you register at the Second Summer Cycle website, you'll need these two details:
For Fundraising Team, you’ll type in Resilient Roots. (If you do not write the team name this way, Resilient Roots will not receive the funds you raise!)
For Fundraising Charity, choose Resilient Roots from the drop-down menu.
Questions about riding? Email grow@resroots.org.
Donate to Our Team
Each Resilient Roots rider is asked to raise $250 in pledges. All money raised by our riders will go toward Resilient Roots programming. You can choose to donate to an individual rider or to our team as a whole. For any general donations, please make sure “Resilient Roots” is noted in the message field.
Volunteer to Help Out the Day of the Ride
We’re looking for helpers to support the event on September 14. Volunteer options include directing parking, lining up riders, handing out refereshments to riders, and directing riders along the mid-Cape route. More details will be available soon. If you’d like to help out, email Sharon at sprout@resroots.org.

The Gift of Seeds
Fruition Seeds of Naples, NY, has recently transformed from a company selling organic seeds to a nonprofit organization giving them away. Petra Page-Mann of Fruition Seeds will be discussing this journey toward a culture of giving and will be offering as gifts packets of regionally adapted seeds for you to take home and to share. Come ready to reflect and connect as we continue to find new ways to practice and amplify reciprocity in our community.
This indoor gathering will take place in West Barnstable.
There will be a donation box to cover expenses incurred by Resilient Roots. In addition, if you’d like to contribute to Fruition Seeds, Petra asks that you bring donations in the form of canning jars or food/medicine from your own garden; Petra shares any abundance offered with her neighbors as well. All donations are so appreciated.
Registration is required because seating is limited.
Movie Night: Common Ground
Come join us for a screening of Common Ground, a 2023 documentary about our broken food system and the alternative, regenerative models of agriculture offering hope for change. This film is the highly anticipated sequel to Kiss the Ground, which reached over 1 billion people globally and inspired the US Department of Agriculture to put $20 billion toward soil health. The film reveals the unjust practices that have forged our current industrial farming system and profiles a growing movement of white, black, and indigenous farmers whose work could balance the climate, save our health, and stabilize America’s economy—before it’s too late.

Second Summer Cycle 2024: Cape Cod Charity Ride
Second Summer Cycle is a September 15 charity bike ride across the Cape that benefits 19 local nonprofit organizations, including Resilient Roots. Riders choose a route of either 33, 69, or 100 miles, raising money for the nonprofit of their choice.
You can join us in this fantastic event in three ways: ride for our team, donate to our team or to individual team members, or volunteer as to work the day of the ride. What better way to spend a fall day than riding with friends to picturesque Provincetown to support our environmental education efforts!
Ride for Our Team
Biking enthusiasts are encouraged to register now, as the number of riders will be capped. Our team has started training rides you can join, and all abilities are welcome; e-bikes are allowed.
Resilient Roots is one of three nonprofits comprising one team (along with Youth Athletic Foundation and Real Truth Eyes, Inc.). Each team is expected to raise $5,000, and money raised by our riders will go directly to Resilient Roots. Each rider is asked to raise $250 in pledges.
Riders choose one of three routes, aimed at accommodating different abilities:
33 miles: Starting in Orleans at 10 am
69 miles: Starting in Sandwich at 8 am
100 miles: Starting in Mashpee at 6:30 am
All riders finish at Motta Field in Provincetown with a celebratory event that includes cold brews from Barnstable Brewing and $30 in tickets for each rider to use at four food trucks, included as part of the entry fee.
The event registration fee varies by ride length. When you register at the Second Summer Cycle website, you'll need these two details:
For Fundraising Team, you’ll type in Resilient Roots. (If you do not write the team name this way, Resilient Roots will not receive the funds you raise!)
For Fundraising Charity, choose Youth Athletic Foundation /Resilient Roots/ Real Eyes Truth Inc from the drop-down menu (the last option).
Questions about riding? Email Debbie at grow@resroots.org.
Donate to Our Team
Each Resilient Roots rider is asked to raise $250 in pledges. All money raised by our riders will go toward Resilient Roots programming. You can choose to donate to an individual rider or to our team as a whole. For any general donations, please make sure “Resilient Roots” is noted in the message field.
Volunteer to Help Out the Day of the Ride
We’re still looking for a few helpers to support the event on September 15. Resilient Roots volunteers will be working in Sandwich, helping to direct parking and to line up riders at the start in the early morning, or helping to unload bikes after the ride in the late afternoon. If you’d like to help out, email Sharon at sprout@resroots.org.

Herb Club
This community-led gathering that is held on months when Resilient Roots isn’t offering an herb-related workshop. Participants meet at a club member’s house to hear three members make a presentation on an herb of their choice. At these sessions, we usually take a garden tour and share food together. We nerd out on plants and enjoy one another’s company. The next date for Herb Club is August 22, from 6:30 to 8 pm. This group is free, but you must preregister and be willing to take a turn presenting an herb to the group.

Resilient Roots in the CC Hydrangea Festival
The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival, a Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce fundraiser for nonprofits across the Cape, this year includes seven permaculture gardens open for the benefit of Resilient Roots. You won’t see the bountiful blue iconic blooms in these gardens, but instead local yards transformed into edible food forests supporting local wildlife and pollinators, protecting our groundwater, building resilience against climate change, and feeding the people who live here. Each garden is open to the public for a $5 fee, which is collected at each site. Come see what your neighbors are doing to help regenerate our ecosystem, and take home some ideas for your own outdoor space.

Spring Permablitz Tour
This year's permaculture tour features four properties. We'll start in Sandwich with a new garden space, which was transformed in a permablitz in May, so you can see what newly transformed gardens look like and hear an introduction to some permaculture principles and techniques. Next, we'll move to Harwich to see two sites: one that was a permablitz site last year, and another that's several years along and has full-grown trees. The final site is in South Dennis, where you'll be able to see how much can be done with a small piece of land and some imagination. We'll email directions and specifics before the event.

Indigenous Speaker Waban Webquish
Join Waban Webquish for a discussion on the ways that indigenous peoples’ reciprocal relationship with the land supports an optimal environment for all Earth’s creatures and plants. This relationship is rooted in mutual respect and gratitude and comes from being in tune with the cycles of the seasons and the moon.
Waban provides guided walks and seminars on the traditions and history of his Wampanoag/Nipmuc culture and creates and distributes handmade Wampum jewelery as well as culturally sustainable foods. You can learn more about Waban’s work at his Wampanoag Shells website.
This event takes place at Fuller Farm, 995 Route 149, Marstons Mills, which is a Barnstable Land Trust property. Waban will speak for about an hour and take questions afterward.

Winter Book Club: Gaia’s Garden
Gaia’s Garden has sparked the imagination of home gardeners the world over by introducing a simple message: working with nature, not against her, results in more beautiful, abundant, and forgiving gardens. We will be reading and discussing Chapters 1–5 and Chapter 12. This discussion will be led by Kristie Kapp, founder of Resilient Roots.

Winter Book Club: Braiding Sweetgrass
As a botanist, Robin Wall Kimmerer has been trained to ask questions of nature with the tools of science. As a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, she embraces the notion that plants and animals are our oldest teachers. In Braiding Sweetgrass, Kimmerer brings these two lenses of knowledge together to take us on “a journey that is every bit as mythic as it is scientific, as sacred as it is historical, as clever as it is wise” (Elizabeth Gilbert).