
Permablitz Tour
Our permaculture tour is a chance to see some of the yards that have been transformed with native and edible plantings. This year’s tour features four properties. We’ll start in Sandwich with a new garden space, which was permablitzed last May, so you can see what newly transformed gardens look like and hear an introduction to permaculture principles and techniques. Next, we’ll move to Harwich to see two sites: one that was permablitzed last year, and another that’s several years along and has full-grown trees. The final site is in South Dennis, where you’ll be able to see how much can be done with a small piece of land and good imagination. We’ll email directions and specifics before the event.

East Sandwich Permablitz
This spacious yard was landscaped in a traditional manner years ago, and the present owner wants to transform it into an edible oasis utilizing native species where possible. We will be building four fruit tree guilds, a large native tree and shrub nursery for birds and other wildlife, and a native pollinator garden. The day will be a mixture of mini-workshops punctuated with snacks, lunch, and breaks. Please register only if you are able to commit to the whole day, as this is an all-day event with limited spaces.

Centervile Permablitz
The permaculture design for this small lot is planned to maximize growing space for edibles. We will be planting four fruit tree guilds, raised beds for vegetables, a pollinator garden, a wildlife evergreen screen, an herb spiral, and native woodland plantings. The day will be a mixture of mini-workshops and hands-on learning, punctuated with snacks, lunch, and breaks. This is an all-day event with limited spaces, so please register only if you can commit to the whole day.
What Is a Permablitz?
Building relationships and landscapes in a day!
Like a barn raising, permablitzes bring people together from the community to learn while installing a landscape that we have designed for the specific site. The installations can be at a private residence, community lot, church, school, or other site. The term permablitz is a contraction of the words permaculture and blitz, where a blitz simply means a focused effort to get something done.
May 22 Permablitz, Orleans, MA
What is the process?
A permablitz happens when a landowner seeks to develop their property in a way that is more in harmony with nature and wants to bring together members of their community to help with the installation. One of our professional permaculture designers works with the landowner to create a design for the landscape, identify the tasks to be accomplished on that day, prepare the materials, help gather volunteers, and generally get ready for installation/permablitz day.
What happens at a permablitz?
Volunteers gather to learn, and all pitch in with the work to get a large job done. The day is led by our permaculture instructor and includes the activities to build an eco-friendly landscape: sheet mulching, planting fruit trees, digging paths or swales, making vegetable beds, or implementing gray-water systems. Participants are shown what to do and work alongside one another. Short workshops relating to the activities are presented so everyone can learn new skills. The host provides lunch and refreshments, and the blitz wraps up around 4 p.m., depending on our progress.
Permablitzes are open to the public but limited to the number of people the site can accommodate. There is shared food, plenty of exercise, fun, laughter, and conversations with like-minded people who care for our planet. Many new friendships are developed at our permablitzes. At Resilient Roots, we base our site selection on reciprocity, so in order to qualify for a permablitz, you need to come to some first.
Who benefits from a permablitz?
The landowner gets support to install a landscape much larger and more involved than they could ever accomplish in a day.
Participants gain the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to create an ecological/edible landscape—information and skills they can use in their own yards.
Resilient Roots is able to engage participants in a firsthand experience of permaculture, which helps spread the word about creating lush, abundant yards that are positive footprints on the earth.
The ecosystem benefits from a more biodiverse habitat, including more native plants that support our wildlife and food web, a healthier soil teeming with life, and a more resilient plot of land that benefits neighboring parcels.
Who should come to a permablitz?
We welcome all, no matter your skill level. First-time gardeners are welcome. Just come and contribute any way you are able to. It’s about community and learning.
Contact us if you want to learn more about our permablitzes.