Veggie Garden Journal
Welcome to our Veggie Garden Journal, a bi-weekly column where we take you from start to finish through the process of growing a vegetable garden. Beginning with starting seeds in March right through harvesting and storing your fall crops, we’ll discuss the many joys and pitfalls of this annual adventure.
This blog is organized from bottom to top.
Scroll to the bottom to start with spring entries and then work your way up!

Mid April: Plant Outside Now
This week we'll discuss common issues that can afflict indoor seedlings and how to avoid them. Outdoors, we'll answer two very important questions for installing a veggie garden: how much do I plant, and how far apart?

Early April: Heating, Lighting, and Arithmetic
Keeping indoor seedlings happy and focusing on location outdoors.

Mid to Late March: Seeds
It's time to double down on preparations for a strong veggie garden this summer.

Early to Mid March: Starting Your Veg Garden Journey
Today we are covering the basics of planting your seeds and planning your garden.